Welcome to FormIGA, the Industry for Good Alliance for technology and business services.

The global technology and business services industry is taking a monumental step forward with the launch of FormIGA, a pioneering initiative that unites global buyers and service providers to improve the tech and business services industry with best practices, ethical standards, sustainability, and innovation for better results.

Developed collaboratively by industry association leaders and supported by a global advisory council of enterprise organizations, FormIGA represents a movement with profound purpose, aimed at fostering a better world for both people and planet.

FormIGA is the first and only alliance of its kind, bringing together buyers and providers of technology and business services from around the globe to focus on measuring, monitoring, and enhancing the industry's social performance. All supporters of FormIGA are dedicated to promoting the industry as a force for good.

A Joint Initiative with a Global Vision

The technology and business services industry is unlike any other industry. It is incredibly global in its nature. It is very advanced in its use of technologies to transform. It is highly innovative. And it is people centric. It is for this reason that FormIGA exists.

FormIGA is the result of a collaboration between the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) in the US and the Global Sourcing Association (GSA) in the UK. For decades, both organizations have championed the growth and positive reputation of the technology and business services industry through the promotion of best practices, guidelines, thought leadership, and professional development.

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Passionate, volunteer-driven advocacy

Showcasing and Sharing Best Practices

FormIGA is committed to driving industry-wide improvement by showcasing and disseminating best practices. This collective sharing of knowledge and experience not only enhances the technology and business services sector but also sets a benchmark for other industries to follow. FormIGA establishes itself as the quality standard for sustainable sourcing and delivery within the industry.

Service Provider Sustainability Index (SPSI)

A key initiative of FormIGA is the recently launched Service Provider Sustainability Index (SPSI). The SPSI is an industry index based on the self-assessment of service providers’ sustainability and ESG maturity. It delivers benchmarks and insights to create a level playing field and a clear and consistent framework for evaluating and improving social and environmental performance.

Simplifying Social Responsibility with Industry Standards

FormIGA revolutionizes the landscape of social responsibility by offering a standardized approach to best practices, measurement, and reporting. It provides a comprehensive framework tailored specifically to the unique aspects of the global, people-based technology and business services sector. This framework allows all providers to align their efforts and report consistently, ensuring clarity and coherence in social performance assessments.



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Our Alliance is driven by a cause that we believe in and are passionate about.

Bringing about the change we need.

Our industry has already done so much good in giving meaningful employment to otherwise disadvantaged communities, but we know we can do so much more.

Co-Founder, Kerry Hallard

Making an impact is near and dear to my heart. With the expertise of our Global Advisory Council, FormIGA will strengthen the sustainability efforts of organizations world-wide.

Co-Founder, Debi Hamill

Friends and Partners working together  to promote the industry and better the world

US and UK collaborating

for global good

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